The world is facing the imbroglios Covid-19 from a long time now. Each and every person has the same question in mind that is "When will we get a Covid vaccination ?" . Let us try to find an answer to this question. What is a Vaccination? A vaccination is a kind of medicine which trains the immune system to fight a disease or germ. It prepares the body to make antigens or antibodies. A vaccination is generally administered through needles. A vaccine can take upto 10 years to develop and to be ready to use for public. What are the different stages of vaccine development? A vaccine has to go through different stages before it is made available to the public. Pre-Clinical Trials: This research is done in the laboratories on cells and animals. Pre-clinical trials indicates about the efficiency and safety of the vaccine. Phase I trials: In this phase, r esearchers monitors the kidney, liver, hormone and cardiac functions to look for adverse affects in human volunteers.It take...