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Thai Protests- Why are Thai Students Protesting?

Students in Thailand are once again involved in a series of protest, this time against the government of the Prime Minister Prayut-Chan-Ocha demanding reforms in Thai monarchy.  Let us talk about the whole story behind these protests by Thai students. 

Why are Thai students protesting? 

The anti-government protests started last year after the banning of the most vocal party opposing the government by the court. After a pause during Coronavirus, the protesters once again came onto the streets in mid-jury demanding Prayuth's removal, new Constitution, and an end to harassments of activists. Some came up with a list of 10 demands supported by thousands. Protesters say the do not want an end to the monarchy, just some reforms but the conservatives are horrified by such attacks.

What is lese majesty law?

The lese majesty law states that the monarchy is protected by section 112 of the penal code, which states that whoever defames, insults, threatens the king or queen, shall be jailed for 3-15 years.

More than dozens of protesters have been charged under the laws such as those against sedition and computer crimes.

Government's response

The government until Thursday said that the protests would be tolerated if performed under law. It later imposed emergency measures banning the protests and gatherings of more than five people in Bangkok, forbid publication of news or online information that could harm national security and freed up the police to arrest anyone linked to the protests. Soon after the government imposed these measures, police police cleared the protesters and arrested at least three political leaders

Who are the protesters? 

The protesters are mainly students and young people but there is no overall leader. The key groups among these protesters are Free Youth Movement, United front of Thammasat and demonstration. Some famous groups among the students are  Bad student movement of highschoolers, student group of Bangkok's Thammasat university.  The student groups are also demanding some reforms in education.

Why else are the protesters unhappy?

They complain that the king approved Prayuth's premiership last year after the elections, opposition leaders complained that it was done to keep the  power in his hands. Prayuth on the other hand said that the  election was fair.

Protesters also complained that the king spends most of the time in Europe. They also challenged the spending of the palace and lifestyle of king who has been married four times and last year took at royal consort.

Comment down your views on the protests carried out in Thailand. Follow and share the account for more interesting blogs.

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