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What is the 25th Amendment of US Constitution? How can it be used to remove Trump?


There are calls to impeach the President of the United States or to invoke 25th amendment  to remove the President from the office. The call to remove was taken after the supporters of Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol building. The US Capitol building houses both the US senate and the house of representative. Let us learn about the 25th amendment and how it can be used to remove Donald Trump


The 25th amendment of the US Constitution lays out the principles and ways to remove or replace the President and the Vice President of the United States.

The 25th amendment was an effort to resolve some of the continuing issues about the office of the president. This is what happens in the case of vacancy of the office and what is the course to follow if for some reason the the President becomes disabled to such a degree that he cannot fulfill his responsibilities.

When was it introduced and has it been used in the past?

After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy the 25th Amendment was proposed by Congress on July 6, 1965, and ratified by the states on February 10, 1967.

The Watergate scandal of the 1970 saw the application of these procedures, first when Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as Vice President then as President and later when Nelson Rockefeller filled the resulting vacancy to become the Vice President. However, the fourth section of the 25th Amendment has never been invoked.

The Amendment consists of four sections

The first section codified the traditionally observed process of succession in the event of the death of the president that the vice president would succeed to the office. 

It also introduced a change regarding the ascent of the vice president to president should the latter resign from office. In the event of resignation, the vice president would assume the title and position of president(not acting president) effectively prohibiting the departing president from returning to office.

The second section addresses the vacancies in the office of the vice president.

The third section set forth the formal process for determining the capacity of the president to discharge the powers and duties of office.

It states that if the president is able to declare his/her inability, then the vice president takes over as the acting president.

The fourth section requires the vice president and the cabinet to jointly ascertain this and if they do so, then the vice president immediately assumes the position of acting president.

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