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The US media on Saturday declared Joe Biden as the winner of the US Presidential Elections 2020 after he defeated Donald Trump in the key state of Pennsylvania securing enough electoral college votes to defeat Donald Trump but the Saturday's verdict isn't the last step. In today's blog we will learn of WHAT'S NEXT and Why isn't the verdict of Saturday the last step.

According to a system tweaked over the past two centuries, there's a month-long timeline during which a 538 member electoral college picks the president of US.


Yes, When the citizens of America vote for the presidential candidate, they actually vote for the electors in their state. The number of electors is equal to the number of electoral votes held by the state.


When the states are done with the counting of votes and certifying the results of the votes, the governors are required to prepare the As Soon As Possible documents known as the Certificates of Ascertainment of vote.

What is the certificate of Ascertainment about?

The certificate lists the name of electors and the number of votes casted for the winner as well as the loser. The certificate carries the seal of each state and are sent to the archivist of the US.

What now?

The month-long timetable where the 538 member electoral college will pick the president of US will take place now and the world will get the final 46th President of the United States. The monthlong time table is as follows:

December 8 is the deadline for resolving the election disputes at the state level. All the states will recounts the votes and the courts contests over the presidential election are to be completed by the date.

December 14:- The electors will now vote by the paper ballot in their elected states and the District of Columbia. The thirty three states along with DC have laws or party regulations which requires the electors to vote for the same way the popular vote goes into the states. In some states, the electors can be replaced or subjected to the penalties.

The votes for both the President and the Vice President of the US are counted and the electors now sign a total of six certificates of Vote. These certificates and the other official papers are then mailed to various officials including the president of the Senate.

December 23:- The certificates by now must be delivered to the designated officials. If not delivered, the law provides the alternative avenues for getting the results to Washington.

January 6:- Now, the Senate and the House holds a joint session to count the total number of the electoral votes. If any one tickets receives or crosses the mark of 270 electoral votes, the president of the Senate announces the results and the new President of the United States.

If neither of the candidate wins a minimum of 270 electoral votes, the house then on the basis of 12th amendment to the constitution decides the election. The would elect the president through a majority vote, if required.

The members of the Congress can object to return from any state. The objection must be made in writing by at least one member of both the House and the Senate. If the requirements are met, each chamber debates the objection separately, then the members of the chamber votes to accept or reject the objection separately. The objection has to be approved by both the houses in order to exclude any contested vote.

January 20:- The president elected sworn into the office on the Inauguration Day

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