The world is in the midst of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. An increment in the numbers of daily cases around the world is terrifying. The researchers are working hard and round the clock to find a vaccine to this deadly virus. A number of vaccines are going through different phases. But how much efficient should a vaccine be to stop the pandemic? Let us learn about the minimum efficiency required and the various vaccines in making.
Will a vaccine alone be enough to stop the pandemic?
It depends on the efficiency of a vaccine. A vaccine with a higher efficiency rate might be able to stop this pandemic whereas a vaccine with low efficiency rate might not be enough to stop this pandemic alone.
What Does the Computer Simulations Show?
The computer simulations introduces the Covid-19 virus with the virtual population with different ways and can show scenarios spreading it from person to person.
The results of the simulation indicates how vaccines with different efficiency rate would affect the pandemic and estimate various health outcomes and costs.
How Much Efficient should a Vaccine be?
A study reveals that a vaccine with an efficiency of 70% or 80% will be capable enough to stop the pandemic and a vaccine with an efficiency rate of more than 90% can do wonders in the prevailing conditions. But this doesn't make a vaccine with a lower efficiency rate useless.
A vaccine with an efficiency rate lower than 65% will require more time to stop this pandemic and social distancing.
How Much reliable is 50% Efficiency?
A vaccine with 50%effectiveness means that if you vaccinate 100 people, only 50 will not get the disease. This doesn't sound impressive but there are various other benefits too.
A vaccine with an effectiveness of 50% will help in reducing the severity of the disease and people who contracts the disease are less likely to be hospitalized or require ICU care and die.
What Will It Take to Stop this Pandemic?
A vaccine with a higher efficiency rate might be enough to stop the pandemic whereas a vaccine with a lower efficiency rate will require extra care and precautions to stop the Pandemic.
Also, to stop this pandemic the number of daily cases needs to drop to zero or at least to a very low number, as soon as possible.
How Effective are the Top Vaccines for Covid-19?
Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine
Pfizer-BioNTech are the leading vaccines with an effectiveness of 95%.
Moderna coronavirus Vaccine
The Moderna vaccine claims effectiveness of 94.5% as per preliminary results.
SputnikV coronavirus vaccine
The interim results from phase 3 trials claims it to be 92% effective.
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